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Josep M. del Bas | Eurecat

Senior researcher in the Nutrition and Health Department

Josep M. del Bas | Eurecat

Senior researcher in the Nutrition and Health Department


Josep Maria del Bas has degrees in Chemistry and Biochemistry and holds a PhD in Nutrition and Metabolism from Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona. He has focused his professional career on the study of molecular mechanisms involved in the interaction between nutrition and health. His current duties at Eurecat include coordinating multidisciplinary teams dedicated to researching the health effects of food and pharmaceutical products.

Presentation: Nutrition as a modulator of neuroendocrine circuits

Our neuroendocrine circuits, which largely regulate the physiology of our bodies, have been shaped by evolution to respond to changing environmental conditions, allowing the body to adapt to new situations to ensure its survival. One of the main signals about the state of the environment is food, whose components interact with our physiological processes at the molecular level and induce responses that condition our physiology, metabolism and behaviour. Recent advances in neuroscience and nutrition research show that using neuroendocrine circuits, it is possible to use diet to modulate brain processes related to behaviour and cognitive ability.

Future Industry Congress